In this acute study, we evaluated the real-time glucose response to Feel Great. Subjects followed a self-selected, habitual diet, and incorporated the Feel Great program as directed during the study period. Within a short duration, Feel Great significantly reduced Baseline glycemic variability by 12%. Reducing glycemic variability is a therapeutic target in diabetes, and these short-term improvements with Feel Great may contribute to better health outcomes in the areas of oxidative stress, inflammation, and cardiovascular health in the long-term.
Cardiometabolic Health
Feel Great, a dietary supplement and intermittent fasting program, improves glycemic variability in adults
Unimate, a yerba maté supplement, prevents weight gain and improves cellular energy production and antioxidant levels in the body

In this study, the effects of four weeks of Unimate consumption on cellular metabolism and antioxidant levels were measured in fatty tissue, skeletal muscle, and the liver tissues highly relevant to whole-body metabolism. Study results showed that Unimate prevented weight gain and improved energy production efficiency in the muscle, while burning more energy in fat cells. In addition, changes in the liver showed improved antioxidant levels, suggesting Unimate’s protective effects against oxidative stress and the preservation of cellular function. Together, these data indicate the beneficial, tissue-specific effects of Unimate supplementation on energy production, fat cell metabolism, and oxidative stress in vivo that are protective against obesity.
The “Feel Great” program improves cardiometabolic health outcomes in healthy adults

This study was conducted to measure changes in cardiometabolic health among participants following Unicity’s Feel Great daily supplementation and intermittent fasting protocol for 60 days. During the trial, participants experienced significant improvements in important markers of metabolic health, including blood lipids, triglycerides, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, as well as decreases in body weight and waist circumference.
The Clinical Impact of Fiber Supplementation on Cardiovascular Risk Parameters in Type-2 Diabetes
The study was conducted to examine the lipid-lowering potential of Bios Life 2 in type 2 diabetics. The results indicate that Bios Life 2 is a beneficial fiber drink for type 2 diabetics and people who want to reduce their cholesterol in a natural way.
A New Fiber Drink Provides a Natural First-Line Treatment Option in Mild Hypercholesterolemia
The study was conducted to examine the lipid-lowering potential of Bios Life, a drink that combines four unique mechanisms to lower cholesterol, in mildly elevated lipid levels. The results indicate that Bios Life serves as a natural option for managing hyperlipidemia.
Fiber-Multivitamin Combination Therapy: A Beneficial Influence on Low-Density Lipoprotein and Homocysteine
The study was conducted to evaluate a ninety-percent-soluble fiber’s (Bios Life 2) ability to alter lipid, lipoprotein, and homocysteine levels when co-administered with folate and B vitamins. The results indicate that a concurrent administration of fiber and vitamins offers a preventative approach that may reduce the need for concomitant lipid-lowering therapies or serve as an adjunct therapy.
University of Sydney Blood Glucose and Blood Insulin Study
Studies were conducted to determine how a phytonutrient combination, Bios Life, would affect blood glucose and blood insulin levels following the consumption of white bread. Results showed that one serving of Bios Life reduced blood glucose levels by 20% and blood insulin levels by 13%, and two servings of Bios Life reduced blood glucose levels by 28% and blood insulin levels by 27%.
LDL and HDL Cholesterol Optimization Using Phytonutrient Combination Therapy: First-Line Intervention and Adjunct Therapy to Statins
The objective was to use phytonutrient combinations to optimize both lipoprotein, LDL-c and HDL-c, fractions. The results indicate that the product is effective in lowering LDL-c and increasing HDL-c, thereby making it—in combination with statin medication—an effective alternative for patients with mild hypercholesterolemia.
Lipid and Glucose Optimization Using Phytonutrient Combination Therapy in Diabetes
The study used a phytonutrient combination, Bios Life, in an attempt to optimize lipid and glucose parameters for those with type 2 diabetes. The results indicate that Bios Life improves diabetes management.
Ameliorating Effects of Four-Week Fiber-Multivitamin Combination Treatment on Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein B Profiles in Hypercholesterolemic Participants
The study was conducted to investigate the effect of a fiber-multivitamin combination product, Bios-Life C, on lipid profiles in hypercholesterolemic patients. The results suggest that a fiber-vitamin combination has potential to be used as an adjunct therapy in managing hypercholesterolemia.
Bios Life Complete, A New Viscous Soluble Fiber Drink, Improves Lipid Profiles in Mild Hypercholesterolemia
The study aimed to investigate the efficacy of using a novel fiber drink, Bios Life Complete, as a first-line treatment for mild hypercholesterolemia. The results indicate that Bios Life Complete is an effective alternative for patients with mild hypercholesterolemia that can’t, or won’t, take statin medication.
Nutritional Supplementation with CoQ10, Taurine, and L-carnitine Repletes Essential Cardiac Myocyte Nutrients and Reduces Left Ventricular Size in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction
The purpose was to determine if consuming a nutritional supplement containing carnitine, CoQ10, and taurine would result in higher myocardial levels of the nutrients and additionally improve left ventricular function. The results indicate that supplementation creates higher myocardial CoQ10, taurine, and carnitine levels, and it is associated with reducing left ventricular end-diastolic volume in patients with left ventricular dysfunction (prior to revascularization).
The Clinical Impact of Fiber Supplementation for the Reduction of Postprandial Blood Glucose and Risk Reduction of Complications from Type 2 Diabetes
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of Bios Life 2 on type 2 diabetics’ glycemic and lipid parameters. The results indicate that Bios Life 2 is a very beneficial fiber drink for type 2 diabetics who want to control their glycemic parameters and cholesterol in a natural, side-effect-free way.
Nutritional Supplement Program Halts Progression of early Coronary Atherosclerosis Documented by Ultrafast Computed Tomography
The study aimed to determine the effect of a defined nutrition supplement program on the natural progression of coronary artery calcification—particularly in its initial stages as measured by Ultrafast CT. The results suggest that the nutritional supplement program can be used as an effective and safe approach for the prevention and adjunct therapy of cardiovascular disease.
The Effect of Soluble Fiber on Glucose Tolerance and Antioxidant Status in Insulin-Resistance Rats
The study aimed to determine if the addition of a soluble fruit-vegetable extract to a high-fat/sucrose diet would attenuate dietary-induced glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. The results indicate that a soluble fruit-vegetable extract can have beneficial effects on glucose control in insulin-resistant rats.
Effect of Proprietary Matcha Powdered Drink on Thermogenic, Weight, Appetite, Lipid, Blood-Glucose, and Energy Levels
The study aimed to determine the effect of regular proprietary matcha powder drink consumption on different health variables. The results indicate that daily matcha consumption is highly effective in improving multiple markers of overall metabolic health.
Effect of a Proprietary Matcha Powdered Drink on Thermogenic, Weight, Appetite, Lipid, Blood-Glucose, and Energy Levels
The study aimed to determine the effect of regular proprietary matcha powder drink consumption on markers and measurements of body composition. The results indicate general changes in body composition that reflect an overall favorable improvement in cardiometabolic health.
Effect of a Proprietary Matcha Powdered Drink on Thermogenic, Weight, Appetite, Lipid, Blood-Glucose, and Energy Levels
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of regular proprietary matcha powder drink consumption on different health variables. The results suggest that daily matcha consumption improves multiple markers of cardiometabolic health.
The Effect of Fiber-Rich Nutritional Supplement, Bios Life Slim, on the Glycemic and Insulin Index of Three Common Starchy Foods
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively measure the impact of a fiber-rich nutritional supplement, Bios Life Slim, on the glycemic index of three common foods: white bread, white rice, and instant mashed potatoes. The results indicate that Bios Life Slim is effective at dampening healthy individuals’ glucose and insulin responses to starchy meals.
Microbiome Health
The Effects of a Proprietary Fiber Supplement on Blood Markers and Gut Bacteria
The study was conducted to determine the degree to which an orally administered proprietary fiber blend would support good gut bacteria and improve blood markers of diabetes and heart disease. The results indicate that the addition of a novel fiber blend, to a standard, improves multiple indicators of general and gut health.
Eight Weeks of a Novel Prebiotic Fiber Supplement Favorably Alters Human Gut Microbiota
The study was conducted to determine if a prebiotic fiber supplement could favorably alter the human gut bacteria population. The eight-week study’s results indicated that the supplements did improve the beneficial gut bacteria.
Effect of Unimate on acute appetite suppression among adults

Acute appetite responses to Unimate, a yerba mate supplement, were measured and compared to a flavor-matched placebo drink among a group of participants following a 12-hour overnight fast. Participants rated feelings of hunger, fullness, desire to eat, and other appetite- related measures for 120 minutes following consumption of Unimate or Placebo on 2 separate occasions. The overall trend in results show a decrease in desire to eat, feeling of hunger, and how much people thought they could eat, while fullness increased. Desire to eat was significantly reduced at 15, 30, and 45 minutes following Unimate consumption compared to baseline (0 min). These preliminary results suggest that Unimate supports appetite control, likely due to key components of the yerba mate extract including caffeine, chlorogenic acid, theobromine, and mate saponins.
A Test of Clinical Relevance of a 90-day Health Transformation Program
The study aimed to determine the efficacy of a transformational 90-day lifestyle program—a program including one-on-one coaching, meal planning, and strategic supplements. The results suggest that a lifestyle intervention plan that includes well-formulated supplements (Unicity Balance Cholesterol, Unicity LiFiber, Unicity Matcha Energy, and Unicity Complete) can create remarkable and rapid benefits.
A Test of the Clinical Benefits of a 60-Day Comprehensive Health and Fitness Program
The purpose of the study was to determine the efficacy of a 60-day holistic lifestyle program—a program including team coaching and dietary supplements. The results suggest that a lifestyle intervention plan that includes structured large-group coaching and well-formulated supplements (Bios Life S, Bios Life E, and Lean Complete) can create meaningful and rapid benefits.
The Clinical Benefits of a 30-Day Comprehensive Health and Fitness Program
The purpose of the study was to determine the efficacy of a 30-day holistic lifestyle program—a program including team coaching and dietary supplements. The results suggest that a short-term lifestyle intervention plan that includes large-group coaching and well-formulated supplements (Bios Life S, Bios Life E, and Lean Complete) can create remarkable benefits.
The Effect of a 21-Day Lifestyle and Supplement Intervention on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
The study aimed to determine the effect of adding two novel variations on supplements, namely a meal replacement (Complete) and yerba mate blend (Unimate), to a typical lifestyle intervention. The results of the short-term study indicated significant changes in several relevant cardiometabolic risk factors, including blood lipids, glucose and insulin, and body fat level indicators.
Bone and Joint Health
Effect of a Cetylated Fatty Acid Topical Cream on Functional Mobility and Quality of Life of Patients with Osteoarthritis
The study was conducted to examine the effect of a topical cream, consisting of cetylated fatty acids (CFA), on functional performance in patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA) in one or both knees. The results indicate that the usage of a CFA topical cream is an effective treatment for improving knee ROM, the ability to ascend and descend stairs, the ability to rise from sitting, the ability to walk and sit down, and unilateral balance.
Cetylated Fatty Acids Improve Knee Function in Patients with Osteoarthritis
The study aimed to determine the benefit of cetylated fatty acids (CFA) on knee range of motion and function in patients with osteoarthritis (OA). The results indicate that CFA provides an improvement in knee range of motion and overall function in patients with OA of the knee. CFA may be an alternative to the usage of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of OA.
Mental Health
The “Feel Great” program improves feelings of well-being in healthy adults

This study was conducted to measure changes in well-being (positive and negative feelings, overall affect balance) among participants following Unicity’s Feel Great daily supplementation and intermittent fasting protocol for 60 days. During the trial, participants experienced significant improvements in mood balance scores on the Scale of Positive and Negative Experiences (SPANE) after both 30 and 60 days, indicating improved well-being.
A Novel Yerba Mate Supplement Improves Objective Outcomes Indicative of Happiness
The study aimed to determine the degree to which a yerba mate supplement acutely alters individual self-perception and wellbeing. The results suggest that the yerba mate supplement, Unimate, elicits a positive effect on happiness.
Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplementation and White Matter Changes in Major Depression
The study was conducted to determine if omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) could alleviate depression by improving white matter integrity. The results suggest that omega-3 PUFA supplements have restorative effects on white matter integrity that may relate to antidepressant efficacy in some patients.
Fiber supplementation with Unicity Balance significantly lowers the postprandial glucose response to a high-carbohydrate meal in healthy adults

This study was conducted to measure changes in glucose response to a typical breakfast meal with and without pre-meal Balance in generally healthy adults. Continuous glucose monitor readings showed a lower peak glucose spike and lower overall two-hour post-meal glucose response when Balance was consumed 15 minutes before eating compared to the Control condition (no Balance).
The Effects of a Proprietary Fiber Supplement on Blood Markers and Gut Bacteria
The study was conducted to determine the degree to which an orally administered proprietary fiber blend would support good gut bacteria and improve blood markers of diabetes and heart disease. The results indicate that the addition of a novel fiber blend, to a standard, improves multiple indicators of general and gut health.
Eight Weeks of a Novel Prebiotic Fiber Supplement Favorably Alters Human Gut Microbiota
The study was conducted to determine if a prebiotic fiber supplement could favorably alter the human gut bacteria population. The eight-week study’s results indicated that the supplements did improve the beneficial gut bacteria.
The Clinical Impact of Fiber Supplementation on Cardiovascular Risk Parameters in Type-2 Diabetes
The study was conducted to examine the lipid-lowering potential of Bios Life 2 in type 2 diabetics. The results indicate that Bios Life 2 is a beneficial fiber drink for type 2 diabetics and people who want to reduce their cholesterol in a natural way.
A New Fiber Drink Provides a Natural First-Line Treatment Option in Mild Hypercholesterolemia
The study was conducted to examine the lipid-lowering potential of Bios Life, a drink that combines four unique mechanisms to lower cholesterol, in mildly elevated lipid levels. The results indicate that Bios Life serves as a natural option for managing hyperlipidemia.
Fiber-Multivitamin Combination Therapy: A Beneficial Influence on Low-Density Lipoprotein and Homocysteine
The study was conducted to evaluate a ninety-percent-soluble fiber’s (Bios Life 2) ability to alter lipid, lipoprotein, and homocysteine levels when co-administered with folate and B vitamins. The results indicate that a concurrent administration of fiber and vitamins offers a preventative approach that may reduce the need for concomitant lipid-lowering therapies or serve as an adjunct therapy.
Lipid and Glucose Optimization Using Phytonutrient Combination Therapy in Diabetes
The study used a phytonutrient combination, Bios Life, in an attempt to optimize lipid and glucose parameters for those with type 2 diabetes. The results indicate that Bios Life improves diabetes management.
Ameliorating Effects of Four-Week Fiber-Multivitamin Combination Treatment on Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein B Profiles in Hypercholesterolemic Participants
The study was conducted to investigate the effect of a fiber-multivitamin combination product, Bios-Life C, on lipid profiles in hypercholesterolemic patients. The results suggest that a fiber-vitamin combination has potential to be used as an adjunct therapy in managing hypercholesterolemia.
Bios Life Complete, A New Viscous Soluble Fiber Drink, Improves Lipid Profiles in Mild Hypercholesterolemia
The study aimed to investigate the efficacy of using a novel fiber drink, Bios Life Complete, as a first-line treatment for mild hypercholesterolemia. The results indicate that Bios Life Complete is an effective alternative for patients with mild hypercholesterolemia that can’t, or won’t, take statin medication.
The Clinical Impact of Fiber Supplementation for the Reduction of Postprandial Blood Glucose and Risk Reduction of Complications from Type 2 Diabetes
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of Bios Life 2 on type 2 diabetics’ glycemic and lipid parameters. The results indicate that Bios Life 2 is a very beneficial fiber drink for type 2 diabetics who want to control their glycemic parameters and cholesterol in a natural, side-effect-free way.
The Effect of Soluble Fiber on Glucose Tolerance and Antioxidant Status in Insulin-Resistance Rats
The study aimed to determine if the addition of a soluble fruit-vegetable extract to a high-fat/sucrose diet would attenuate dietary-induced glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. The results indicate that a soluble fruit-vegetable extract can have beneficial effects on glucose control in insulin-resistant rats.
The Effect of Fiber-Rich Nutritional Supplement, Bios Life Slim, on the Glycemic and Insulin Index of Three Common Starchy Foods
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively measure the impact of a fiber-rich nutritional supplement, Bios Life Slim, on the glycemic index of three common foods: white bread, white rice, and instant mashed potatoes. The results indicate that Bios Life Slim is effective at dampening healthy individuals’ glucose and insulin responses to starchy meals.
Skin Health
The Effects of Neigene on Skin Health and Function
The purpose of the study was to determine the degree to which a scientifically sound skin cream, Neigene, is able to prevent and possibly reverse skin damage. The results indicate an improvement in objective markers of skin health and suggest that daily use of Neigene can prevent and reverse skin damage.
The Effects of Neigene on Skin Health and Function in Females
The study aimed to determine the degree to which a novel skin cream, Neigene, is able to prevent and reverse evidence of skin damage and hyperpigmentation. The data strongly indicate that daily use of Neigene elicits multiple skin improvements.